You can review your library account at any time by selecting My Record on the My Account menu and signing in. The My Record page displays a summary of your library account information. From this page, you can view and edit your personal information and preferences, change your username and password, and manage your messages from the library:
To see the personal information in your library account record, and to update your account information
Note: Your library may also allow you to change your email address or phone number. If so, you can type the new information in the appropriate boxes. Otherwise, contact your library to request changes to your email address or phone numbers. If you receive phone notices, see step 4. You can specify only one phone number for text messages (notices or receipts). Select TXT for the number and select a carrier for that number.
Note: Your library may override your preference for certain types of notices. For example, if your preference is Email address you may receive overdue notices by email, but the library may send only printed bills for lost items.
If your preference is email, your record must include an email address. If your preference is phone, select the phone number that should receive the notices. If your preference is text message, select the TXT button for the phone number that should receive the notices and select your carrier for that phone number.
If you select email, you must provide an email address. If you select text message, you must select TXT for the phone number that should receive the receipts, and select your carrier for that phone number.
Note: You can select only one phone number to receive text messages (notices or receipts).
To stop receiving eReceipts, clear the checkboxes.
Important: When you submit certain changes in your account information, your account may be blocked from activity until the library processes the new information.
To change your username or password
The Change Logon area, where you specify your username and password, expands.
Type your new username in the New Username box, and retype it in the Verify Username box.
The username must be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters, and cannot contain spaces. It must begin with a letter. The following special characters are also allowed: dash ("-"), underscore ("_"), period ("."), and at ("@"). The username must not contain two special characters next to each other, and cannot match an existing library account barcode.
Type your current password in the Old Password box.
Tip: Your library may require that the password contains numbers only.
Type the new password in the New Password box.
The password must be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 64 characters. Passwords can contain any printable ASCII character except the pipe ("|") character. This includes numbers, letters, spaces, and most special characters.
Select Save.
A confirmation message appears. If your library account information includes an email address, you will also receive a confirmation email message.
The library may post special messages in your library account. If so, the My Record page displays counts of new messages that are links to open the Messages area of the account. This area is also automatically expanded if you have a new message.
You can read your messages and delete them if you wish. Your library may automatically delete messages as they age.
To read and delete your messages from the library