Managing Your Requests
You can review the requests you have made for materials, and suspend, reactivate, or cancel the requests. For each request, you can see the format and title of the item, the pickup location you designated, and the status of the request. The following statuses are common listings:
Note: Your library might use different names for these statuses.
- Active - Your request for the item is active and the pickup location will receive the item when it is available.
- Inactive - A request for an item in the library system has an activation date in the future; for an interlibrary loan item, the library must review the request before it is sent.
- Pending - An item has been requested within the library system, and the request is active.
- Held - The item you requested has been located. The library notifies you when it is available for pick-up.
- Out - The item has been checked out. When you return the item, the request is deleted.
- Shipped - An item was trapped at a branch other than the pickup location and is being shipped to the pickup location.
- Received - An interlibrary loan item is in the library and is set aside for you to check out. (After you check out an interlibrary loan item, the request is no longer displayed.)
- Not-Supplied - There are no items to fill a request that you placed in the library.
- Cancelled - The request has been canceled.
- Sent - Used by libraries that offer Borrow by Mail. The requested item has been checked out and mailed to you.
Note: You may see a Hold Position column. The numbers in the Hold Position column indicate the status of your request compared to other patrons’ requests for the same item. The library may have policies that override the hold position. An item may occasionally be used to fill a different request even if your request is the first in the hold request list for the item.
Your library may also allow you to change the pickup location of your request.
Manage your requests for materials
To manage your requests
- Select Requests on the My Account menu and log in. The requests page displays a list of your current requests.
Tip: Select a title in the list to search for the title in the library catalog and see full information about the title in the search results. (This feature does not apply to interlibrary loan requests.)
- To sort the list, select a column name. For example, select Title to sort the list by title.
Note: If your library offers Borrow by Mail and you requested an item to be mailed, the Pickup Library is Borrow by Mail.
- To suspend or reactivate requests, and specify the date to reactivate them:
- Select the checkbox by the title for each request that you want to suspend or reactivate, and select Suspend/Reactivate Selected Requests (or select Suspend/Reactivate All Requests to suspend or reactivate all your requests). The Suspend/Reactivate Hold Requests dialog box appears. You can suspend library system requests with the status Active or Pending, and you can reactivate requests with the status Inactive. You cannot suspend interlibrary loan requests.
- Type the date when suspended requests should be reactivated, or type today’s date to reactivate an inactive request. Type the date in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
- Select Submit.
Active and Pending requests become Inactive. Inactive requests become Active.
- To cancel one or more requests, select the checkbox by the title for each request that you want to cancel, and select Cancel Selected Requests. Or select Cancel AllRequests to cancel all your requests.
You can cancel requests within the library system with the status Active, Inactive, or Pending. You can cancel interlibrary loan requests with the status Active or Inactive.
- To see more information about a particular request, select the blue information icon by the request. Detailed information about the request appears. You can cancel, suspend, or reactivate the request from this view.
- To read a note about a request, place your cursor over the flag icon
if you are working on a desktop computer. The note text appears. You can also select the note icon on any device to see more information about the request. The information includes the note.